batang kaca bahasa Inggris
- batang: bar; rod; rode; shaft; stalk; trunk; plant stem;
- kaca: glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine;
- kaca: glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine; methamphetamine; mirror; cider; methamphetamine hydrochloride; ice; shabu; sherry; chalk; cyder; trash; crank; methedrine; chicken feed
- batang: bar; rod; rode; shaft; stalk; trunk; plant stem; joystick; runner; stem; plant; pole; peel; knob; tree; bole; putz; stave; barrel; tool; staff; grip; lance; stake; tree trunk; base; drum; spar; pric
- batang-batang rel: metals
- alas kaca: under plate
- aplikasi kaca: glass applications
- atap kaca: glass roof
- baling kaca: splinter of glass
- benang kaca: glass-thread
- berkaca-kaca: glaze; glassy
- botol kaca: glass bottle
- busa kaca: glass foam
- cermin kaca: glass-mirror
- cetakan kaca: glass-mould
- The New deisgn Christmas tree stem wine glass f...
The New deisgn pohon Natal anggur batang kaca f ... - High Transparency Quartz Glass Light Guide Rod , Optical Solid Glass Rod Dia.35mm
Transparansi Tinggi Kaca Kuarsa Panduan Batang Cahaya, Batang Kaca Optik Padat Dia.35mm - Wet inductive cotton 5 PCS Φ10mm glass rod 1SET 3M soft exhaust pipe 1PC
Kapas induktif basah 5 PCS Φ10mm batang kaca 1SET Pipa knalpot 3M yang lembut 1 PC - The use of 10-40 times of water diluted nitrile double melamine formaldehyde resin, and then the diluted liquid added directly in the sewage, with a glass rod to stir a few minutes after sedimentation or flotation can cause the effluent decolorization decolorization obtained after the clear liquid.
Penggunaan 10-40 kali air yang dilarutkan resin nitril melamin formaldehida ganda, dan kemudian cairan yang diencerkan ditambahkan langsung ke dalam selokan, dengan batang kaca untuk diaduk beberapa menit setelah sedimentasi atau pengapungan dapat menyebabkan dekolorisasi limbah yang diperoleh setelah pewarnaan cair.